Translate for Thousand Languages

Translate for Thousand Languages

Translate work from Hayden's Ferry Review into your chosen language.

An invitation

Thousand Languages is seeking translators to contribute to this living and ever-developing database featuring work from ASU's award-winning, graduate-run literary journal Hayden's Ferry Review (HFR). Independent Translators work with Thousand Languages to select a piece (poem, story, interview, or essay) that interests them. Gain access to select HFR work already approved for translation and work independently. Submit your translation to be considered for inclusion on the Thousand Languages site and enter the global conversation toward imaging a better world.

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Hayden's Ferry Review

Peruse the HFR archive or purchase the current issue to find poems, stories, and interviews you're interested in translating. Pre-approved pieces are available on request by contacting the Thousand Languages Manager.

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Thousand Languages issues

Examine translations already published on the site to see if your language is represented on a given piece. If you would like to contribute a translation to an existing issue, contact the Thousand Languages Manager.


Thousand Languages solely features Hayden’s Ferry Review (HFR) work, which means we consider translations of pieces that have previously appeared in this award-winning literary journal run by MFA students at ASU. HFR has over 65 issues of 150-200 pages of poetry, stories, interviews, essays, and artwork on almost every topic. Individual pieces available for translation vary in length from 1-20 pages, so there is a wide variety of choices.

Please contact the project manager ahead of time for access to pre-approved selections.

Thousand Languages is not able to compensate translators financially at this time. We do offer recognition in the form of publication, which carries inherent value in the literary world. Publications are also noteworthy additions to your resume or curriculum vitae.

Translations go through a thorough vetting process of two reviewers prior to publication. Often these reviewers are faculty and staff from the School of International Letters and Cultures at ASU and other appropriate scholars. Reviewers evaluate translations for language accuracy and literary merit.

Thousand Languages features parallel translations. This means the original text with the author’s name will appear beside the translation with the translator’s name on the Thousand Languages site. The webpage will also display the issue it was published in and the genre. There will be an option for visitors to select translations in other languages which will appear in the same fashion. As an example, please see our recent Thousand Languages Issues.

Other involvement

Thousand Languages interns in meeting

ASU student internship

ASU students are welcome to apply for Thousand Languages Internships and contribute to the project with a translation or non-translation focus. The internship may be taken online, so students can participate remotely.