Alyssa Elaskari



Alyssa Elaskari

Special Project Leader

Alyssa Elaskari is completing her M.A. in English. She also holds an M.Ed. in TESOL She is an educator and hosts writing workshops. She is currently an intern at Thousand Languages Project, translating poetry and prose into Arabic and creating special projects and events that connect her local community in Florida to the work being done at ASU. She is a mother, photographer, and baker who loves to help others find joy in reading. (updated 2024)

Special Projects

Reverse Ekphrasis Art Show, Spring 2024 (link forthcoming)


"When Her Body is a Battleground" by Kimberly Blaeser (Arabic)
"Brown" by Raine Huelskamp (Arabic)
"I Am From" by Acacia Armstrong (Arabic)