


Laura Dicochea


Laura Dicochea is a 2nd year Ph.D. student in the School of Transborder studies. Her MA studies focused on Spanish for the professions and Spanish sociolinguistics: Spanish heritage language pedagogy and bilingualism. Laura’s current Ph.D. work focuses on transnationals from Mexico in secondary levels and higher education. She holds a translation certificate from the University of Arizona. She has been in the translation world for three years in the medical and legal field and, more recently, prose translation. (updated 2022)

Essays / Translation Notes

Methods to Translation in Writer as Witness: Informative and Expressive Text Type
Métodos de traducción en La escritora como testigo: texto informativo y texto expresivo

Domestication vs Foreignization in Drink 
Extranjerización y Domesticación en Trago


"Drink" by Chidelia Edochi (Spanish)
"The Writer As Witness: An Interview with Demetria Martinez by Argie J. Manolis (Spanish)