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Shahzadi Laibah Burq is a multilingual speaker of Urdu, English, Persian/Dari, Pashto, and Punjabi. She is currently doing her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at Arizona State University. Her research interests include L2 pedagogy, language planning and policy in higher education, and cognitive linguistics. Burq did her Bachelors in English Language and Literature from a University in Pakistan. She taught ESL for four years and became an enthusiastic advocate for linguistic diversity in academia.

Zhiqiang Liu is a PhD student majoring in Comparative Culture and Language at Arizona State University. He is interested in queer media in China and South Korea and translation studies. He is also interested in the queer cultural exchange between China and Korea since the premodern time. (updated 2024)

Translation Notes / Essays

Translator's Note by Zhiqiang Liu


"Wings" by Misha Rai (Chinese)

Fabián Díaz, hailing from Venezuela, is a senior student at Arizona State University, dedicated to earning a Spanish degree. Fluent in both Spanish and English, Fabian serves as an intern at TLP, specializing in the translation and editing of various literary genres, including nonfiction, fiction, and poetry, from English to Spanish. During his leisure hours, he enjoys hiking, traveling, experimenting with new recipes, and indulging in music. (updated 2023) 

Giannina Masías

Giannina Masías is from Lima, Perú, and has been residing in the United States for over a decade. Currently, she is entering her second year of postgraduate studies in the Spanish Linguistics program at Arizona State University's School of International Letters and Cultures.

Giannina Masías is from Lima, Perú, and has been residing in the United States for over a decade. Currently, she is entering her second year of postgraduate studies in the Spanish Linguistics program at Arizona State University's School of International Letters and Cultures.

Michael McIver

Michael McIver is an English Major at ASU and a Japanese translation intern for the Thousand Languages Project. Michael has varied interests, spanning creative writing, translation, and world literature. Upon graduation, he plans on applying to graduate school for an MFA in Creative Writing. (updated 2024)

Translation Notes / Essays

Translator's Note by Michael Mclver

Mohadeseh Mousazadeh is a Doctoral Candidate in Literature with a focus on Environmental Humanities at ASU. She received her BA and MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Guilan, Iran. Her research focuses on twenty-first-century American ecological fiction and gender studies, and she is primarily interested in nondualist conceptions and articulations of gender, nature, and environment in these works and how they can contribute to human survival and climate change mitigation. Currently, she is working in the fields of environmental humanities and ecocriticism.

Biaz Nabilla

Biaz Nabilla is an MA student in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. She comes from a multicultural and linguistically diverse country, Indonesia. She is currently an intern at Thousand Languages Project, translating poetry and nonfiction into Bahasa Indonesia. She is also currently working on several projects related to promoting biliteracy and revitalization of local languages in Indonesia, including Dayak to broader audiences, specifically children.

Boi Ngoc Thai is an undergraduate student at Arizona State University. She is pursuing a bachelor degree in journalism and mass communication at the Walter Cronkite School with concentration in PR, and a minor in Business at the W.P Carey School. Born and raised in Vietnam, she is fluent in Vietnamese, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. After graduation, she aspires to work in the international public relations field. (updated 2023)

Essay / Translation Notes

Translator's Note

Asri Nurul Qodri

Asri Nurul Qodri is from Indonesia and has been teaching English since 2004. She worked in Kyiv, Ukraine until 2015 and went to Ohio University to attain a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics, where she taught at the Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE). Asri has also worked in English-Indonesian translations and vice versa. A few major projects are an English play written by Ray Harding (Charles Sturt University), a series of Indonesian comic books called Baratayuda, and a novel entitled Siri by Asmayani Kusrini. In May 2023, she graduated from Arizona State University with a Ph.D.

Asna Nusrat (she/her) is a fiction writer in ASU's MFA program, translator, and non-fiction associate editor at Hayden's Ferry Review. Originally from Karachi, Pakistan, she is a bilingual writer who often dabbles in translating to or from Urdu--her Word of Home. Beyond writing and other life things, classical South Asian music, poetry and the dance form of Kathak are her major indulgences that often offer portals for alternate storytelling, in mind and Word. (updated 2022)

Carolina Quintero is a recent alumna of ASU with a B.A. in English (Creative Writing) and a B.A. in Justice Studies. She is currently an intern at Cardboard House Press and concluded an internship with City of Phoenix's District 8. She is passionate about poetry, writing, and social justice. (updated 2022)

Essays / Translation Notes

Translation Note

Cecilia Savala is originally from the Midwest but is currently writing from the desert of Tempe, AZ where she is a Graduate Teaching Associate, an Assistant Director of Writing Programs, and the Poetry Editor for Hayden’s Ferry Review. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in Mochila Review, Boiler Journal, and Passengers Journal, among elsewhere. (updated 2023)

Special Project(s)

Ekphrasis as Translation

Gina Scarpete Walters is currently doing her Ph.D. in Comparative Culture and Language at Arizona State University, where she also serves as a Graduate Teaching Associate of Linguistics. Her research interests lie primarily in the area of cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics. She holds two M.A. degrees from the University of Bucharest, one in Advanced Studies in Linguistics and another in Translation Studies. She is one of the recipients of the 2022 NFMLTA-NCOLCTL Graduate Research Support Grant.

Eric Schlich is the author of Eli Harpo's Adventure to the Afterlife, a novel forthcoming from Overlook Press (January 2024) and the story collection Quantum Convention, winner of the 2018 Katherine Anne Porter Prize. His stories have appeared in American Short Fiction, Gulf Coast, and Electric Literature, among other journals. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee, where he is an assistant professor at the University of Memphis.

Anthony Sha

Anthony Sha is a junior double majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences and French. He is interning as a translator for the Thousand Languages Project. Anthony has always been fascinated by foreign languages, particularly the French language, since high school. He hopes that one day he will be able to use the French language in his career. (updated 2024)

Zoë Soderquist

Zoë Soderquist is a graduating senior majoring in English (Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies) and Communication. She is a Web/Media Assistant Intern for Thousand Languages. Zoe also works as an Editorial Aide at ASU and as student editor-in-chief for Superstition Review. She hopes to pursue a career in instructional design or technical writing. 

Beatrice Szymkowiak is a French-American writer and scholar. She graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing from the Institute of American Indian Arts and a PhD in English/Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the author of Red Zone (Finishing Line Press, 2018), a poetry chapbook, as well as the winner of the 2017 OmniDawn Single Poem Broadside Contest, and the recipient of the 2022 Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry for her full-length collection B/RDS, published by the University of Utah Press in 2023.

Born and raised in Phoenix and a third generation Sun Devil, Acacia Wastchak is a third-year undergraduate student in Barrett, the Honors College at ASU studying International Trade with a minor in French. Travel and foreign languages are two of her biggest passions and what has led her to study abroad in Ecuador, Italy, and now France for the spring semester. Both her mother and grandmother are writers, so literature - and especially poetry - have always been a big part of Acacia's life and inspired her own love of writing and language.

Zhongxing Zeng

Zhongxing Zeng is a Ph.D. (Literature) student in the English Department at Arizona State University. His research interests include William Blake, English Romanticism, and English-Chinese Literary Translation. He is also a singer-songwriter with publications of original music on NetEase Music, Apple Music, and Spotify under the artist name 曾寅. (updated 2022)