


Fabián M Díaz Chacin


Fabián Díaz, hailing from Venezuela, is a senior student at Arizona State University, dedicated to earning a Spanish degree. Fluent in both Spanish and English, Fabian serves as an intern at TLP, specializing in the translation and editing of various literary genres, including nonfiction, fiction, and poetry, from English to Spanish. During his leisure hours, he enjoys hiking, traveling, experimenting with new recipes, and indulging in music. (updated 2023) 


"The Comet" by Rick Bass (Spanish)
"Fever" by Norman Dubie (Spanish)
"French Postales" by Alberto Ríos (Spanish)
"A God for My Mother" by Summer Wrobel (Spanish)
"A Graven Space" by Melissa Pritchard (Spanish)
"The Interpreter" by Alexis Stratton" (Spanish)
"How Emmet Lost His Balance" by Hugh Sheehy (Spanish)
"Moon Tempest" by JD Scott (Spanish)
"Oppenheimer Leaves His Family for Work Again, Los Alamos, 1945" by Catherine Sasanov (Spanish)
"Reflections in Brass" by Ashton Lynn Marie Goodman introduced by Melissa Pritchard (Spanish)
"The Saints of Negativity" by Norman Dubie (Spanish)
"Self-Portrait as Minotaur" by Jacqueline Balderrama (Spanish)
"Snake in the House" by Jennifer Wortman (Spanish)