Supervising Editor: Jacqueline Balderrama
Translators: Camden Beal, Matthew Coffman, Asna Nusrat, Carolina Quintero, Andrea Yang, Shahzadi Laibah Burq, Zhongxing Zeng | 2023 additions: Giannina Masías, Boi Ngoc Thai | 2024 additions: Isabel Haas, Grace Hawkins, Mohadeseh Mousazadeh Miandehi
With grateful acknowledgment to language reviewers: Huaiyu Chen, Joanne Tsao, Xiaoqiao Ling, and Zhongxing Zeng for Chinese; Brandon Blue and Marie Winter for French; Hashem Asgharnejad and Sarang Moayed Ghaedi for Farsi; Laura Dicochea, Anna Flores, Olga Siguenza-Ponce, Claudia Villegas-Silva, Daniela Gallardo, and Belén Agustina Sánchez for Spanish; Seemein Farrukh Hasnain, Sayed Hadeed Hassan, Zain Ibraheem, Aqsa Maryam, and Noor Us Sabah Tauqeer for Urdu
Featured Languages in this Issue
Spanish, Chinese, Urdu, Farsi, French,
"Horses on the Beach" French | "The Politics of Metamorphosis" Farsi, French, Spanish, Urdu | "Testimony" Urdu | "Bellybutton Rinpoch and I" Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish | "Self-Portrait as Minotaur" Chinese | "Knuckles" Spanish & Urdu | "French Postales" Chinese | "The Dream of Young Achilles" Chinese | 2023 addition: "Mapping of Female Ejaculation" Spanish
Issue Articles