Supervising Editor: Jacqueline Balderrama
Translators (2023): Acacia Wastchak, Andres Gutierrez Vasquez, Asri Nurul Quodri, Boi Ngoc Thai, Giannina Masias, JP Hanson, Matthew Coffman, Mia Bazbaz, Mohadeseh Mousazadeh Miandehi, Shepard Adkins, Sienna Blakely, Zhongxing Zeng | 2024 additions: Fabián M. Díaz Chacin, Isabel Haas, Grace Hawkins, Tuba Khedmatgozar, Biaz Nabilla, Michael Mclver, Asri Nurul Qodri
With grateful acknowledgment to language reviewers: Huaiyu Chen, Xiaoqiao Ling, Yenan Lyu, Yihui Hua, Joanne Tsao, and Fay Zhen for Chinese | Mina Zarat-ehsan and Zahra Hesabi for Farsi | Brandon Blue, Peggy Bejarano, Sionainn Ditto, and Feriel Guennoun for French | Iqbal Azhar and Dina Mardiana for Indonesian | Juliann Vitullo and Gina Pietrantoni for Italian | Belén Agustina Sánchez, Laura Dicochea, Daniela Gallardo, Alberto Rios, and Thomas Shalloe for Spanish | An Nguyen Sakach and Yen Nhi Nguyen T. for Vietnamese |
Web Assistant: Biaz Nabilla | Cover art: Box of Memories by ben phillips (Canva)
Featured Languages in this Issue
Chinese, Farsi, French, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese
Prose: "Artist's Statement" Spanish | "I Am Getting Comfortable With My Grief" French, Indonesian, Spanish | "Losing One's Head" Spanish, Farsi | "Moon Tempest" Farsi, Spanish | "When You Are Old and I Am Gray" Chinese, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Japanese, also see translations across text type in this Translations Poetry to Song project completed by Zhongxing Zeng
Poetry: "Ama" Spanish | "Aubade in Which I Linger" Vietnamese, Chinese | "Birds at a Funeral" Spanish, Indonesian | "Fever" Chinese, French | "Head of Dvarapalas" French | "I Have Gone Shimmering into Ungently Sleep" Chinese | "Left a Refugee Here in a Sterile Country" Chinese, Spanish | "Monty Python" Chinese | "Pahá Sápa" French, Japanese | "Saints of Negativity" Italian, Spanish | "She Left Me on a New Moon" Spanish | "Soft Hair" French | "Train" Spanish | "Water in Love" French, Italian, Spanish | "Young Mother" Spanish
Note from the editor:
Artifacts of Connection presents literary work from as early as HFR Issue 1. This year, translators were attracted to works rooted within ancestry, grief, long-term love, and celestial spaces. Often a singular image rises to surface as do the crows in mónica teresa ortiz's "Birds at a Funeral," or the tulips in Eric Schlich's "When You Are Old and I Am Gray," or the blocks of snow in Norman Dubie's "Saints of Negativity." These 'artifacts' upheld in poetry and prose signify beyond themselves, connecting speakers across divides in space and time to who or what remains important. Now, translators connect these works to speakers of Chinese, Farsi, French, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and we look forward to more in the future. It is with great joy that the translators and I share these new additions to the Thousand Languages Project. —Jacqueline Balderrama (2023)
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